Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Autumn!

Autumn in Oregon is beautiful. It's crisp but not cold. It's red and orange, but the pines stay green. It's awesome.

Nathan started his new job on Thursday. Just like all transitions, it is laced with challenges. But he gets some great perks, so that's exciting. We went to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum for free today! It was so cool. The Spruce Goose has been here for a long time now, but this was the first time I'd ever seen it. They have a bunch of the scale models that were used for the film The Aviator. Those were neat too.

We found a lovely apartment. We move in a couple of weeks. I've been shopping my Ikea catalog, making note of all the beautiful furniture I want to buy! There's a deck/balcony. I'm excited to buy some pots and plant some flowers before it gets too cold.

I may have to go back and edit all of my blog entries. I found at least 3 spelling errors and I almost went MAD! I'm a compulsive grammar/spelling checker.

I think privatizing social security is a bad idea. No thank you, John McCain.

It's gym time! Good night and dream well.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Vows - Edited 9/23

Prospects will crumble
Tears will fall
“No matter what happens,
I’ll always have you.”

Dollars will dwindle
Cupboards will empty
“No matter what happens,
I’ll always have you.”

Auras will thicken
Rooms will divide
“No matter what happens,
I’ll always have you.”

Warranties will expire
Plumbing will fail
“No matter what happens,
I’ll always have you.”

Dreams will evolve
Inspiration will flourish
“No matter what happens,
I’ll always have you.”

Faith will sprout
Love, we will.
No matter what happens,
I’ll always have you.

- written by me, September 18, 2008

I will no doubt rearrange all the words six or seven times before I decide that my original draft was the best. (And I did!)

Words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.
-Lord Byron

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

An Open Letter to the General Public:

Dear populace,

I'm sick of you thinking you are better than me.

I'm sick of you driving up to the window in your Suburban and treating me like dirt.  Just because you're decked from head to toe in Nike on your way back from the country club sporting your Coach purse and gaudy fake-looking diamond ring does not give you the right to be rude to me and my fellow hardworking co-workers.  

Two customers ordered similar drinks today.  One didn't get made because there was a miscommunication and the partner preparing beverages thought it was mistakenly entered in the computer.  When my co-worker at the window told the customer politely that it would be just a moment, that there was a mix-up.  She scoffs, turns to the woman in the passenger and says "Apparently it doesn't take an education to work at Starbucks...Yeah, I guess they'll hire anybody."

You are no better than the young man working behind the register at McDonalds.  You are no better than your waitress at The Olive Garden.  You are no better than the gentleman at Chevron pumping your gas.  We are all made of water and carbon.  We breathe the same air and walk the same ground.  We are completely equal in God's eyes.

Why don't you chose to treat me as you would your brother or sister?  At the end of it all, aren't we all connected?  Why do you feel the need to elevate yourself?  Are you that dissatisfied with your life and who you are, that you must put down others?  I am sad for you.

Perhaps you should evaluate what's really important in your life.  And you could probably also benefit from choosing the Tall Frappucino instead of the Venti.
