Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dear Blog

Forgive me, for I have neglected thee.

I've been working lots of overtime lately. I'm very tired. But then I open my paycheck and feel better. Money can't buy happiness, but I sure am a lot happier now that I'm making more money than I was before.

I am totally over this weather we've been having. There's four inches of snow on the ground. I almost got crushed by two large trucks on my way home from work today. It takes me an hour to drive from my apartment to Hillsboro. It should take 15 minutes. Snow is only fun if school and work get cancelled and you get to stay home and play in it. Otherwise it's just a pain in the boo-tay.

The snow has ruined all my holiday shopping plans. I haven't done any Christmas shopping. None. I was going to go last Sunday. It snowed 3 inches. Then I was going to go on Wednesday. It was icy. And there's supposed to be an ice storm tomorrow. And Monday. Freezing rain on Tuesday.

Oh well. I'll figure something out.

Nathan got a new job! The pay is better, the commute is shorter and the people are nicer. I'm so happy for him. The last gig turned out to be a big-time bust. We're trying to plan a trip to Vegas some time in late January or early February. I really want to make it back to CBus before long too to visit Nathan's mom and grandparents. And my girls. I miss them.

I'm just so ready for winter to be over. Can we just skip winter? It's my least favorite season. Please and thank you. And Christmas just feels so different this year. I think it's a combination of the weather, too much work and just the feel of the world in general. Everyone is struggling in their own way, more so this year than in the past it seems. It's bittersweet; struggling sucks, but it makes us appreciate things we may otherwise take for granted.

That which does not kill us only makes us stronger. Cliche, but true. This too shall pass. Very true. Cling to that which is good.

I am very thankful to be home in Oregon with my parents and my Nathan. I hate the weather, but the pine trees are truly beautiful when they're covered in snow.

I think I'll cuddle with my boy and watch a Christmas movie.

In the darkest hour through which a human soul can pass, whatever else is doubtful, this at least is certain. If there be no God and no future state, yet, even then, it is better to be generous than selfish, better to be chaste than licentious, better to be true than false, better to be brave than to be a coward. Blessed beyond all earthly blessedness is the man who, in the tempestuous darkness of the soul, has dared to hold fast to these venerable landmarks. Thrice blest is he who, when all is dreary and cheerless within and without, when his teachers terrify him, and friends shrink from him, has obstinately clung to moral good.
- Frederick William Robertson

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