Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dear God,

Please let tomorrow bring good things.  And if for whatever reason it doesn't, please give the strength to deal with those things gracefully.  Help me to remember that you have my best interests in mind.

These past few weeks have been very trying.  I am very tired.  And I know you know that.  In some respects, I'm proud of the way I've handled things;  in others, though, I'm not.  At this point there's not much need for me to go into detail, because you already know everything.  I guess I'm sorry for my attitude.  I'm sorry I let worry and fear fog up the path you've laid ahead of me.  And I'm sorry I keep asking you for the map.  I guess I just feel like I need to see it, even though I know I don't.

I'm so thankful for the blessings you've given me.  I don't say that often enough.  And I'm thankful for the the trials and tribulations.  Even though they suck hardcore, I know you have a purpose for them; and I know that I will be stronger having lived through them.

Thank you for my friends and family, and thank you that I am loved by such an extraordinary man.

And thank you for semicolons; they are my favorite punctuation mark.  

Most sincerely and with all the love in my heart,


The thing is to rely on God. The time will come when you will regard all this misery as a small price to pay for having been brought to that dependence. Meanwhile, the trouble is that relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing has yet been done. 
- C.S. Lewis

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