Saturday, December 19, 2009

Peculiar Passing Moments

Today I feel better about things.

Inspiration and encouragement come from the most unexpected and wonderful places.  I recently had my hair cut by a wonderful gal at a salon in Beaverton.  She recently moved here from Texas.  The subject came up that I had been laid off.  She shared a story with me about how she had been unexpectedly let go from a job once too, but that it opened a door to a better career.  "I know it's hard, but don't worry.  I can tell you're a smart girl", she said.  "Something better will turn up."  She was my angel that day.  It was exactly what I needed to hear.  I was so thankful that she said it!

One of my "other mothers" was my angel the other day.  Her husband is extraordinary and hard-working.  She told me that he has been laid off three times in his life.  I was so surprised.  But I was very relieved; I realized that it just happens.  But it happens for a reason.

I've set the wheels in motion to apply for grad school in January.  Oregon State has a one-year immersion program where I could get my teaching license and my M.A.T.  I'm leaning towards ECE/Elementary Education to start out with.  I'd like to be licensed through 12th grade eventually.

I think I get it.  I'm supposed to be somewhere I can make a difference.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Soap Box

The following is an expression of frustration regarding several issues and/or behaviors I have noticed lately in various contexts.

The first: women/men who use words like "skank", "hoe" and "bitch" as terms of endearment. I think it's a huge step backwards in our overall cultural development. I went to my church's senior luncheon on Wednesday and had an interesting conversation with a delightful lady about etiquette and how it doesn't really exist anymore. I'm not saying we need to revert back to 1910 and hold our pinkies in the air when we drink coffee and tea; but I think there is a definite lack of respect in general between individuals in our society. Swearing in public in front of strangers is rude. I think calling your best friend a "whore" and then following it with "Love you!!!" contributes to her lack of self-esteem. That kind of sarcasm irks me; I see it creating a negative energy that is ultimately destructive.

Second issue: Oregon's weather. It's f-ing cold. Seriously.

Issue the third: women who hold onto past relationships. Let it go. It's over. Grieve and mourn, and then move on. Don't text him. Don't write on his wall. Don't meet him for happy hour. Be amicable; but you can't be friends. Everything happens for a reason, and there's a reason it's over. (The preceding is completely the opinion of the author and does not apply in all situations. But most of the time, it does.)

I'm not really sure where all that came from. It popped into my head earlier today and thought I would vent it into cyberspace so it wouldn't clog up my imagination. Some of it is probably due to the fact that I am under the weather. I have a raging headache right now.

Some of it also may come from the frustration stemming from the fact that I was laid off last week.

I put 110% of myself into my work. It was pretty crushing.

Ok. New soap box:

Primary issue: don't let your job define your self-worth. In fact, don't let anyone but yourself define your self-worth. There will be many opportunities in life, and none of them will last forever. Everything happens for a reason. God shuts the doors and opens windows. He has plans for you that are greater than you can possibly imagine. Have faith. And keep looking up.

Always good to end on a positive note.

Off I scamper to claim my unemployment benefits for this week.

What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.
- Revelation 3:7-8