Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Been a while...

Oh hey, blog!  How are you?  How've you been?  You look kinda pissed that I haven't been around...yeah, sorry about that...

Long story short, Nathan and I got married.  Nathan joined the United States Army.  (His test scores were off the charts.  You need at least 110 in each area to be considered "really good".  He got 115 in one area and between 125 and 130 in all the other areas.  Landed a job in military intelligence.  Super cool.)  I got another job at the church where I grew up working with the youth program.  Love it.  Six weeks into training, Nathan freakishly broke his leg on a two-mile run with his unit. (We think it was from the crappy shoes they gave him.  One of his physical therapists supported that theory.  How much money are we spending in Iraq?)  He had to have major surgery.  He has a steel rod in his leg now and has had some bad knee issues.  He was given an honorable medical discharge...after nine months...when it should've taken five.  Needless to say, it was the most frustrating experience of both of our lives. brought us closer together and has made us appreciate each other so much more. 

So, that's kind of why I've been neglecting you, blog.  Please forgive me?  I'll try and update more frequently.  I can't make any promises, though.  Two jobs and being a newlywed (for the second year in a row) has me very busy.

God.  Is.  Good.

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