Monday, February 11, 2008

The Beginning of a Good Week

It's gonna be a good week.  I can tell.  Of course, I guess it always helps my attitude when I have Monday off.

Nathan and I watched Sunshine on Saturday night.  It's directed by Danny Boyle, who did 28 Days Later.  It didn't get very good reviews, and its  US box office numbers weren't that great, but we thought it was really good.  It was pretty awesome to watch on Nathan's big screen, too.  

So it's the Season of Lent now, the 40 days before Easter.  I'm kind of struggling with my Lenten journey this year, because I don't really have anything I feel I can give up (at least nothing I haven't given up before).  I thought about giving something, but financially I'm really tight right now.  Plus, I really feel like God is pointing me back to Oregon, so I'm really trying to save up for the transition.

Lent is also a difficult time to go church-hopping.  So far we've found a lot of sermons and messages about stewardship and giving, and that always makes me feel a little weird.  Nathan and I are hesitant to join a church right now, because we know we're moving in the next few months.  We have one that we really like, and we'll probably start attending regularly; but I just can't bring myself to transfer membership from my church at home in Oregon.  I think that's where God has His work for me.  In the mean time, I'm just trying to leave my heart open to what He has to say.

The sun is out today, which is also nice.  Winter is always easier to tolerate when the sun is shining.  50 mph wind gusts and single-digit wind chill make it a lot tougher.  I was really close to taking out a hit on Punxsutawney Phil last weekend.

Fear less, hope more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours.
- Swedish proverb

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