Wednesday, February 27, 2008

There's A Moment When You Know The Thousands of Dollars You Shelled Out Were Worth It...

So we're sitting at the Maxtown Starbucks last night during our Espresso Bar Re-Training, and our trainer has us participate in a roll-playing exercise.  Everything goes smoothly; afterwards, she says "Hey thanks for bearing with me through that.  I know roll-playing scenarios like that can be nervewracking, I personally hate them..."

And inside I'm thinking "Nervewracking?  No, 'nervewracking' is singing 'Far From The Home I Love' in front of an oversold house with a fever of 104 on the first day you've actually even been able to speak out of the last five.  'Nervewracking' is going to open a door to enter the stage and having it get stuck, forcing you to make up Neil-Simon-esque dialogue at the last second.  'Nervewracking' is being 5'10" and having to dance and move gracefully in front of a thousand-plus sold out crowd in four inch heels.  You think improvising a simple coffee-house training scenario is tough?  Come find me after you've played a 60-year-old armless southern woman who draws pictures with her feet.  Then we'll talk about 'nervewracking'."

God, I love theatre.  It's like doing the impossible over and over again.

Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer.
-Ernest Holmes

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