Sunday, March 23, 2008


I love Easter.  

Whether you're Christian or not, Easter is the celebration of life renewed.  It always falls around the beginning of spring, when snow begins to melt and flowers start to appear.  

I always start to notice more and more butterflies around this time of year.

I was very blessed to spend Easter Sunday with Nathan, both of my parents and a good portion of Nathan's family.  It was really fun hanging out with Nathan's grandpa.  All four of my grandparents are gone now, so I always enjoy seeing Grandpa Len and chatting with him.  He reminds me a lot of my grandpa.

It seems like it's been a tough year for not only myself, but for many friends and loved ones.  So, I propose a blog-toast to fresh beginnings; new flowers, melted snow, fresh grass and baby ducks.  Here's to butterflies; here's to moving away from clouds and closer to sunshine.  

Here's to an empty tomb.  Amen.

It is the hour to rend thy chains;
The blossom time of souls.
- Katherine Lee Bates

1 comment:

E.Drake said...

hey, i know those people! good pic!
wish i'd been around to hang out.