Monday, August 18, 2008

Think Happy Thoughts...

Back from the beach.  It was rainy, but when you keep good company, you know how to have a good time, even when it rains.  We watched the ocean, bought some salt water taffy, went to Mo's and said "hello" to Lewis and Clark in Seaside (there's a big statue to commemorate the end of their trail to the northwest).

Work is crazy-busy.  I'm pretty tired when I get home from my shift.  The days go by much quicker though, which is nice.

Nathan gave me the second part of my birthday present yesterday.  He got me a bike!  Well, a gift certificate for me to go pick out a bike from The Bike Factory.  I've been wanting to start biking more now that I'm back in Portland.  I've always thought it would be cool to do the Portland Bridge Pedal one day.  It's probably the most thoughtful gift I've ever received.  And once he gets one, it'll be another fun thing for us to do together.

I think next week we'll put the names of all the state parks in Oregon that are within an hour-long driving distance into a hat.  On my next day off, we'll pull a name out of the hat and just go there.

Life has taught us that love does not consist of gazing at each other, but of looking outward together in the same direction.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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